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Gramarye: Text
Gramarye Logo

Thank you all so much for attending Gramarye! We had an amazing time spending Halloween weekend with all of you. For some end-of-event thoughts, you can head on over to our Updates page to read about our experiences with Gramarye and details regrading the events we have coming up!


Gramarye [noun]

gram·â€‹a·â€‹rye /ˈgræmÉ™ri/

Occult learning; magic, necromancy, enchantment

An alternative term for Grimoire, we encourage our guests to embrace their dark side and spellbind us with their betwitching looks. It is Hallow's Eve after all, so dressing as your otherworldly selves - be it sweet or spooky - is welcomed!


Gramarye: Playlist

Spooky Tunes to Vibe To

Please enjoy our curated Gramarye Halloween Spotify Playlist!

Gramarye: Event Schedule
Gram banner skull hands full size.jpg
Gramarye: Deadlines


Opens: October 1st
Deadlines: October 18th, 11:59 PM Pacific Time

Opens: October 1st
Deadline: October 27th, 11:59 PM Pacific Time

Opens: October 1st
Deadline: October 27th, 11:59 PM Pacific Time

Opens: October 1st
Deadline: November 1st, 4:00 PM Pacific Time

Opens: October 1st
Deadline: November 1st, 4:00 PM Pacific Time

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