Most human beings agree: food is good. Here are some humans from planet Earth discussing their very human-like thoughts on food-related topics.
Crimson Reflections - Current Trends: Lemons!
Yet another case of “Kelp can’t think of a blurb because she got distracted reading the post” - this time, by the incredible idea to try to recreate desserts on lolita prints. (Also, I wonder if there’s a loquat print out there…)
frillSquid - Bibliotheca: Food
Ever wonder where frillSquid falls on the McDonald’s triangle meme? You’ll find that out, and also a lot more important things. (Do people use that meme anymore? Am I out of date…)
I Don't Know Much But I'm Learning - Bibliotheca November: Food
All about famous food-themed brand Q-pot! (Actually sometimes they do non-food things…)
Luna by the Lake with Cake - Tea Time Recipes!
Nothing better than random society cookbooks you pick up at a thrift store (Kelp has several!)
Mahou Queen - Bibliotheca: Food
What are your fav food prints? Kelp’s is obviously Jane Marple’s Anniversary Cake.
昔のSewing - Bibliotheca November: Food
Strawberries! On clothes! It’s been a thing for a while, apparently.
Stephano - I had a fashion photoshoot inside H Mart
You’ve heard of Crying in H Mart, now get ready for- oh you haven’t heard of it? Well, it’s a memoir- wait, uh, please enjoy this Stephano editorial, featuring the most beautiful eggplant you’ve ever seen. (SFW. I promise.)
Crimson Reflections
It’s time…to go back…in time…wait where was I going with this. Raine Dragon chats about dream dresses of days past in this retrospective post!
Did you know researching even fairly recent fashion history is shockingly difficult? Oh, you did? Cuz Novala Takemoto mentioned it specifically in So Pretty, Very Rotten? Well you’ll definitely enjoy this look at an early fashion magazine discussion of ‘lolitas’!
Love to gamble responsibly? You’ll want to bookmark this list!
Cupcakes & Unicorns
That’s a lot of coords! (Also, I see a wild Konbini Market👀)
Talk about google-proofing your event name…wait this is that big event that happened in a castle! Europe, man.
Are you one of those spreadsheet lolitas? Cuz this post has not one, but TWO pie charts.
So many coords! So many styles! You’ll ooh! You’ll aah!- wait, but not in a scary way.
Dear Gabriella Marie
Spoiler: one of the ideas is Read More Blogs. This message is endorsed by Bay Area Kei.
Dearie Dawn
Have you heard of this Bridgerton thing? Apparently it’s really popular with the kids these days…
Hello Lizzie Bee
Are legwarmers officially back yet? 🤔
Seeing fries in a little metal cup makes me crave Red Robin…
Pink goes with everything, right?
Okay but I do think these twintail wigs have come back. Or have they never left?
Warning hungry readers: there’s yet another delicious looking cup o’ fries in this post.
I Don't Know Much But I'm Learning
The final chapters of the epic showdown in this woodland wrasslin’ - wait, it’s not that kind of challenge? Well, still an impressively strong finish!
The first of hopefully a series of translated J-fashion articles from years past, featuring a 2005 interview from Gothic Lolita & Punk Brand Book
Another translated interview from the June 2005 Gothic Lolita & Punk Brand Book, this time featuring popular lolita designer Kato Kuniko!
What is it with brands releasing dresses with very shallow princess seams?? Kinda defeats the point…
I saw this in person and can confirm it is Very Gobelin.
This ¢la$$i¢ lolita would like cold, hard, cash💸
Black Friday may be over, but some of these deals and releases aren’t!
Hey…I think I know that brand…
Luna by the Lake with Cake
Welcome back!
Do you have to shower in to work in a clean room? Yeah, me neither. But that’s my go-to example.
Kelp tip: wear sunglasses indoors to avoid doing eye makeup!
For when just throwing on a wig is maybe not the best idea…
Is this what the kids call a “hot take”? Trying to stay hip here.
Congratulations! Here’s to 100 more!
Prolly the easiest thing to replace, but you know. Not with the whole velveteen factor.
Hey, it’s us! Thanks again for being a panelist at *puts on spooky voice* Gramarye…Afterlife…
This is reminding Kelp that she needs to air out and re-pack her kimono…at some point…
Once again, Stephano is here to make readers very hungry.
A look back at another incredible trip! Resident globe-trotter Sporkii provides a detailed account of this exquisite exhibit (and more).
Sweet Dreams
Congrats on the news! What news? You’ll have to click through…
Yeah that exchange rate is really something, isn’t it?
Important question: is it possible to have a non-fancy sushi date? Conveyor sushi maybe? Kelp’s allergic to fish so she can’t test this hypothesis…